Beginner's Guide Dragons Of Atlantis Part 2 Day 2-4

<---- Wanna see what happens on day 1-2 Click Me

*As for your 50 LBM take them around to some lvl 1 wilds. Fill you wildernesses up with forest, Mountains, and Hills. Then go and attack forest for wood, Mountains for metal, Hills for stone, Lakes and Savannas for food. The resources you build up here will be used for upgrading buildings, but mainly for build more LBMs. When you get 100 LBM make 100 Porters.

*After you have a 5 Star General, 100 LBM, and 100 Porters you are ready to take lvl 1 camps. A lvl 1 camp holds 112k food, 15k lumber, 500 metal, and 500 stone. This is way better then hitting 1 wild and getting 1k of what ever resource it hold at a time.

*At this point when you can hit camps, I fill the rest of my city with lvl 1 Garrisons. You will see a drastic drop in the amount of time it takes to train troops. Then continue to train LBM and porters, after you get 100 more of each of them, upgrade Muster Point to lvl 2 so you can attack 2 lvl 1 camps at a time. This will shorten how long it takes to build up resources. Keep at doing this step over and over till you have lvl 5 Muster Point, 500 LBM, and 500 Porters. When you get up to a lvl 5 Muster Point your gonna need another General so upgrade Officer's Quarters to lvl 2 and appoint another General.

*Upgrade your Science Center to a lvl 5 and research lvl 5 woodcraft. After you learn lvl 5 woodcraft start learning lvl 1 Levitation! I would research Levitation to lvl 5! Every lvl of Levitation cuts 10% off the time to upgrade and build buildings. At this point you can start researching other things you wanna research.

*Make sure you have Weapons Calibration, Metallurgy and Medicine to lv 3 at this time and if they aren’t then work on getting them there. Research Lvl 1 RD and then, start researching Dragonry all the way to level to Level 8.

*Upgrade factory from lvl 1~3. Then upgrade your lvl 4 Garrison from4~6. When you have lvl 6 Garrison, lvl 3 Factory, and lvl 3 Levitation, you can make ATs (Armored Transports). They work the same as Porters but are faster and carry 5,000 each. 25 proters carry as much stuff as 1 AT.

*Train 25 At's and go to your porters when they are done and dismiss them. You will no longer need Porters since you have ATs. Now when you attack a lvl 1 camp with 100 LBM and 25 AT's, you will get all the resources that camp has.

*Your next task is to keep training ATs and LBM. You can take a lvl 2 camp with 500 LBM and 50 ATs, and a lvl 3 camp with 1,000 LBM and 75 ATs.  You can now drop all the low lvl wilderness you have and grab all lvl 7 wilds. This will give you a major boost to your resources.

*Once your fortress is level 6 stop there you should be farming anthropous camps and upgrading your dragon's keep too your gonna need it fully grown that's level 8 to actually go on a attack thats how your gonna find the egg of your water dragon

* From here you can stop building LBMs and start building swift dragons if you want. They are faster for getting you 1st egg when farming or you can continue with the guide the way it is...

*Once you have 5K (5000) longbowmen (lbms)  and Level 8 Dragons Keep you can farm Level 5 ant camps for your Great Dragon Armor.  Now start building Swift Dragons (ssds) instead of LBMs.

too much for this pagee too the remaining and the last page is here <------ there is the Link.


  1. Hi, I've been following your numbers for attacking level 1 & 2 ant camps. However when I attack level 2 with 500 LBM and 50 AT's I always loss 18/19 LBM. is the case with you? my research is upto your recommended levels for instance Weapon's calibration, Metallurgy and Medicine at level 3. My general's are above level 5. The only other factor is I'm playing the mobile pho e version and don't know if the game is different to the online version.

  2. Nice guide although some science center lv are now higher. Do you have info on what to attack the grodz levels with?


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